I began photo-documenting TimeStamp Synchronicities on 2013-01-15. These were the ones I was able to document that week, ending 2013-01-19. To find out why I count 1:33, 11:33 and 10:01, please visit the FAQ. What are TimeStamp Synchronicities? Please refer to this post.

Want to share your own TimeStamp Synchronicities, Number Synchronicities, or other Joyful Synchronous events or circumstances in your life with like-minded Shiny people? “Like” the ShinyAllTheTime Facebook Page and tell us your stories! We want to hear about your Synchronicity, your Victories and your Bliss.


2013-01-15 TimeStamp Synchronicities

2013-01-16 TimeStamp Synchronicities

2013-01-17 TimeStamp Synchronicities

2013-01-18_19 TimeStamp Synchronicities

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