🔮Resources for Conscious Creation🔮

Card Decks I Use In My Video Readings:
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Media for Law of Attraction,
Conscious Creation, & Shamanism

The Teachings of Abraham

(Abraham-Hicks, Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks)

The Law of Attraction, Conscious Creation and Achieving Joyful Alignment with Source


Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction Abraham-Hicks Ask and It Is Given Abraham-Hicks The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent Abraham-Hicks The Astonishing Power of Emotions Abraham-Hicks Money and The Law of Attraction Abraham-Hicks The Vortex


Other Media:

Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction in Action 01 Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction in Action 02 Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction in Action 03 Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction in Action 04 Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction in Action 05 Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction in Action 06 Abraham-Hicks Getting Into The Vortex Guided Meditations Abraham-Hicks The Law of Attraction Cards Abraham-Hicks Ask and It Is Given Cards Abraham-Hicks Money and The Law of Attraction Cards Abraham-Hicks Health and The Law of Attraction Cards


The Seth Material

(Seth, Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts)

Conscious Creation, The Nature of Consciousness and “Reality”


Seth - Seth Speaks Seth - The Nature of Personal Reality Seth - The Seth Material Seth - The Nature of the Psyche Seth - The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events Seth - The Unknown Reality 01 Seth - The Unknown Reality 02Seth - Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment 01 Seth - Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment 02 Jane Roberts - The Oversoul Seven Trilogy



Models of “Reality”


Itzhak Bentov - Stalking The Wild Pendulum Michael Schneider - A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe Brian Greene - The Fabric of the Cosmos Brian Greene - The Elegant Universe Brian Greene - The Hidden Reality Michio Kaku - Parallel Worlds Michio Kaku - Hyperspace Michael Talbot - The Holographic Universe John Martineau - A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System John Michell and Allan Brown - How the World Is Made Gyorgy Doczi - The Power of Limits

Other Media:

Brian Greene - The Fabric of the Cosmos - DVD Brian Greene - The Elegant Universe - DVD Discovery - How the Universe Works - DVD Science Channel - Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman - DVD


Manifesting Your Reality

The Law of Attraction, Conscious Creation, Abundance and Positive Mindset


Rhonda Byrne - The Secret Napoleon Hill - Think And Grow Rich George Clason - The Richest Man in Babylon Wayne Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled Anthony Robbins - Awaken The Giant Within Joe Vitale - The Attractor Factor

Other Media:

Rhonda Byrne - The Secret - DVD Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret - CD What The Bleep Do We Know - DVD Wayne Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled Meditation - CD Wayne Dyer - Meditations for Manifesting - CD

Note: I prefer the “original cut” of The Secret DVD which includes Esther Hicks and Abraham. The Extended Edition is fine if that is what you can get, but the message is clearer and more useful in the original cut.


Related Paradigms

Useful Viewpoints, Metaphors, Tools and Concepts


William Walker Atkinson - The Kybalion Hermes Trismegistus - The Emerald Tablet The Secret Source Manly Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages Starhawk - The Spiral Dance Margot Adler - Drawing Down The Moon Edward Whitmont - Return of the Goddess The Hermetic Museum - Alchemy and Mysticism The Complete Idiot's Guide to Alchemy Meditation for Dummies Drunvalo Melchizedek - Living in the Heart Sanaya Roman - Opening To Channel

Other Media:

Tuning In - Spirit Channelers in America - DVD Illumination Matrix 01 DVD Music for Deep Meditation - Chanting OM - CD Music for Deep Meditation - Tibetan Singing Bowl - CD Crystal Voices - Sounds of Light - CDBen Scott - Tibetan Chakra Meditations - CD Steve Halpern - Deep Alpha - CD Steve Halpern - Deep Theta - CD


Shamans and Sacraments

Psychedelics, Entheogens, Altered States, and Navigating the DreamTime


Timothy Leary - The Psychedelic Experience Daniel Pinchbeck - Breaking Open The Head Ross Heaven - Plant Spirit Shamanism Terence McKenna - Food of The Gods Martin Ball - Mushroom Wisdom Stanislov Grof - LSD - Doorway to the Numinous Rick Strassman - DMT The Spirit Molecule Don Jose Campos - The Shaman and Ayahuasca Jeremy Narby - The Cosmic Serpent Stephan Beyer - Singing To The Plants Carlos Castaneda - The Teachings of Don Juan

Other Media:

The Shaman and Ayahuasca - DVDPeyote to LSD - A Psychedelic Odyssey - DVD DMT The Spirit Molecule - DVD

